The Book, The Blood, The Bread

Throughout the past few chapters in Exodus, we have seen the Lord instruct the children of Israel on how they should live as representatives of the one true God. 

In Chapter 24, the Lord calls them to confirm this relationship, after Moses relays to them all of the words of the Lord spoken thus far, with a verbal commitment to obey, and a demonstration of that commitment through sacrifice, they enter into a covenant with God. 

In this chapter, we see three components of the covenant that help us, and the children of Israel understand the commitment that they are entering into; the Book, the Blood and the Bond. 

The Book of the Covenant speaks to the expectations within the relationship– of the people, and also what they can expect of God. He tells them that if they follow His rules, blessing, provision and protection would be waiting for them. (Exodus 20-23)

God does all of this, because he desires to be close to His people. Because He is holy and set apart (and completely worthy of worship) there has to be clear expectations of the people and God to the people. 

The Blood of the Covenant, only comes after the people agree to enter into this relationship, much like a marriage ceremony happens after an accepted proposal of marriage. The blood solidifies the covenant, after both parties agree to the expectations. 

As a result of both of these things, a beautiful, deep and lasting Bond develops between God and His people as they enter into the abundant life that He has promised them. 

Because our God never changes, He is still seeking to bond, and engage in a deep and meaningful relationship with His children today. Just like the children of Israel, as a body of believers, we have to commit ourselves to trust and obey everything that He says, and believe that He is faithful to keep His promises. 

We have His Word to lay out the expectations of a child of God and we have the opportunity to respond. 

Questions to Consider: 

  1. Take a moment to think about how you have seen the faithfulness of God throughout your life. Journal them out, write your story to have and recall in moments of worry or doubt that He will be the same God in your life in the future. 

  2. What are some distractions in your life that cause you to lose focus on God’s faithfulness? What in your life do you find yourself worrying about the most? Take time in prayer over those specific things, asking God to show you in His word why His character is trustworthy in your life as well.


The Relational Redeemer


Pathway To The Presence