Pathway To The Presence

In Hebrew culture, someone’s name was much more than a marker of identity. It spoke to one’s character, attributes and reputation without them having to speak a word. We see this in the Old Testament whenever the Israelites ascribed a name to God after He revealed an aspect of His character to them. Abraham called Him “Jehovah Jireh,” after He provided a ram in the bush. Most importantly, God himself introduced himself to Moses as the “I Am.” God’s name was synonymous with his title. It held weight and spoke to His character and authority. 

In the second half of Exodus 23, we see God telling the children of Israel that He is sending an angel before them, to lead them into the promised land. In verse 21, He calls them to obey this angel for ‘he will not pardon’ their transgression, because His ‘name is in Him.’ The angel, which we know as the pre-incarnate Jesus, was to be obeyed fully, because He carried the very name of God, including all aspects of his character, and all of his attributes. 

In verses 23-25, God reiterates that complete obedience starts in the heart. He calls them again not to give their worship to any other false god, and promises blessing and protection as a result of being in relationship with Him (v 25-28). He promises them Himself. In His good nature, God protects, covers and blesses. Like we have seen in previous chapters, God is making it abundantly clear that life in relationship with Him, was the better way. 

In verse 29, we see that God’s better way, often requires a process. He promised to drive the Canaanites and Hittites and all other people groups from the promised land, but not immediately. His process had a purpose. In order for the people to be ready to inhabit the land - God’s process required their patience

As followers of Jesus, we can be all too familiar with God’s timing requiring our patience. It can be challenging at times to trust God’s process when what we’re seeing in our lives doesn’t always line up with what He has said.

But God in His infinite wisdom, knows that there is beauty in the process. There is a refinement that happens in the process, that will point us to a God that we can trust, that we know at the end of the process will be there to deliver on His promise. 

Through faith, we line our sight up with His word, trusting that He sees more than we ever could. 

In response, we follow Jesus with total obedience. And the same God who promised blessing to His children and delivered, promises to bless us to be in his presence for all eternity. And he will make good on his promise. It's in his name!


1. How has impatience impacted the way you experienced the peace and joy that God has promised you?

2. How does the character of Christ inform the way you wait on the fulfillment of his word? What practices do you need to start to wait well?


The Book, The Blood, The Bread


Who You Say I Am