The Relational Redeemer
At the creation of the world, God walked in the garden in the cool of the day and communed with man. It was always his desire to be in relationship with his people.
Ever since that relationship was severed by the introduction of sin into the world, God has been setting things in place, to initiate the reconciliation of man’s ability to commune with Him.
God’s purpose for choosing the Israelites as His people was always to create a pathway that would allow all people to be in relationship with Himself. In the Old Testament, He had to be intentional about how he interacted with His people, because man was unable to personally experience His glory, which was like a “devouring fire on top of the mountain in the sight of the people of Israel.” But He always desired nearness.
We know this was His desire, because we see Him inviting the people to create a space where He could dwell with them in Exodus 25:1-2. God asks them to bring a contribution according to their desire, and He instructs Moses to use their contributions to create a sacred place for Him to settle down with them.
He gives instructions for building a sanctuary, which included the tabernacle and all its furniture. This diving dwelling place would include the Ark of the Covenant, which would be the appointed place where God would speak with Moses as a man speaks with a friend.
Israel was learning that their God was holy, and there was none like him in heaven and earth. His glory and majesty were far too great for their finite minds to fully understand, and even still - this God, desired a space to meet with them, to speak with them, to walk with them in life.
This is the same God that we serve today. This same God outfitted His one and only Son in flesh, with the sole purpose of making a way to be with us, abide with us, speak with us, be near to us as well.
He invites us into a relationship by asking us to bring our own contribution. But this time, not of silver and gold - but our lives. He asks for our heart, our faith and our trust in His Son, Jesus.
Because of Jesus we don’t have to look to man to be our access into the presence of God. We don’t have to wait for the high priest to enter the holy of holies once a year to atone for our sins.
Once we place our faith in Jesus, we can approach the Father freely, whether that is in our own quiet time with Him, while we are gathered together with other believers, in line at the grocery store, while we’re on a run - if you call yourself a child of God - the Holy Spirit is within you and His presence is closer than ever before.
Questions to Consider:
How does it make you feel to know that the Creator desires to dwell with you?
What do you need to do to be intentional to create a space in your day to dwell with God?