Teach Us To Pray
Jesus teaches us how to pray, and how to approach the Lord as a child approaches a parent.
Unexpected Answers
Jesus reveals how we are supposed to live, as we seek to love the Lord with all we are, and to love our neighbors as well.
The Harvest Is Plentiful
The Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few! We have a mission - a calling on our lives - to be laborers in the harvest and to pray for more laborers. Let's not miss out on what we have been invited into!
Easter Sunday at Risen Church
We have a living hope in Jesus because He got up out of the grave, stands over it, and reigns alive forevermore - and He has invited us into that! What an honor!
Lord Over Our Excuses
We have legitimate things in our life that we make excuses to not putting Jesus first. But He is Lord over everything! We have to lay those excuses down and choose Him.
The Transfiguration
Sean examines the transfiguration of Jesus and challenges us in how we view Jesus. Is he worthy of daily denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following him?
You Will Do Greater Things
The Lord has given you power and authority to continue His work, and do even greater things. Are you walking in that power?
Healing Of Two Daughters
Jesus is our hope in desperation and in death. He has the power to heal and to save to the uttermost!
Take Care How You Listen
How you listen, how you receive the Word of God, matters in how you bear fruit with your life. Take it in, let it root deep, and let God bring the fruit.
Your Sins Are Forgiven
A sinful woman anoints Jesus' feet and wipes them with her tears, and Jesus forgives her sin because of her faith!
Are You The One?
Even John the Baptist asked Jesus if He was the One that everyone was waiting for. Jesus can handle your doubts!
The Healing Power Of Jesus
Jesus heals a sick servant and resurrects a dead man. Salvation is in His hands!
A Firm Foundation
A wise man built his house upon the rock. Are you building yours on the Rock?
Cultivating A Generous Spirit
Dr. Baker opens up 2024 by jumping back into our Gospel of Luke series, looking at how to have a spirit of generosity
Psalm 16 | New Years Eve
A beautiful Psalm to launch us into 2024. The Lord is sovereign, we can trust Him, and we can make Him our delight, for He offers us the fullness of joy.
God With Us: The Suffering Servant
But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
God With Us: King, Kingship, & Kingdom
The reign of the shoot that comes out of the stump of Jesse - our Messiah!
God With Us: Peace Of Immanuel
Mark Baker teaches us about the peace that is found in Immanuel, not in our circumstances.
God With Us: Promise and Warning
This sermon is out of Isaiah 7:1-17 in our Advent series, "God With Us"