Supernatural Love
This message is out of Luke 6:27-36 in The Gospel Of Luke sermon series at Risen Church.
A Distinct People
After Jesus calls his disciples, he immediately lays out what a life following Him looks like. It is a life that is set apart - distinct from the world.
Lord Of The Sabbath
From the series, "The Gospel Of Luke." A challenge for us to examine what we crown as lord in our lives, especially on our sabbath.
Psalm 51 - Sorrow For Sin, Delight In The Lord
Psalm 51 shows us a heart in David that is broken over his sin, but then turns to the One who showers grace on us. What a merciful Savior we have!
The New And The Old
Jesus came bringing a new ministry of love that people who clung to the old ways were not ready to receive. His way is better!
Jesus Came For The Sinner
Jesus didn't come for the righteous, but for the sinner, just like a physician doesn't come for healthy people, but for the sick.
The Authority Of Jesus
Jesus cast out a demon with just a word. The enemy knows it has to obey the Holy One of God. Take heart that our God is for you and His Word has power and authority!
The Temptation Of Jesus
Jesus' temptation sets him apart from Adam, because every place Adam failed under temptation, Jesus stood firm. He is now our Great High Priest who is able to sympathize!
The Sonship Of Christ
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
Point To Jesus
John the Baptist's life was so clearly pointing to Jesus, the one who was coming to actually save us from our sin. He was bold and unashamed of his message!
Gospel Hospitality | Part Two
Someone else's needs are never convenient for you, but it is an opportunity to love God by loving your neighbor! Because when you serve those in need, you serve the King as well. What an honor!
God's Purpose For Your Life
Jesus was found in the temple as a boy, already stepping into the purpose His Father had placed on His life. It is an example for us, because we too have been given an eternal purpose! Let's daily lean into what we have been called to
Waiting In Faith
Some seasons are a time of waiting, and the Lord forms us in those seasons! Wait in faith, trusting that the Lord is working.
Good On Your Promise
The Lord keeps His word, and we get to see that so clearly as Zechariah recalls so many prophecies that are being fulfilled in the birth of John and the coming birth of Jesus.