Uncomfortable Joy
Sean examines the birth of John the Baptist and joy that is found in God's plan rather than the pleasures of the world.
Mary's Song
Mary blesses the Lord with a heart of gratitude, although her circumstances could've easily lead her to complain or live in fear and worry.
The Visitation
When Mary visits Elizabeth, we see 2 different generations encouraging one another and blessing one another. What a beautiful picture of community needed in the body!
Let It Be To Me According To Your Word
Mary's response when told she would bear the Son of God is an example of surrender and willingness for us all to learn from!
The Annunciation Of John
When an angel appeared to Zechariah telling him he would have a son, Zechariah doubted rather than believed. So he was struck mute! How often our doubts cause us to be mute. Let this message bolden you to proclaim what you believe - that Jesus is Lord.
Certainty Of The Gospel
There is nothing more certain than the story of Jesus. It is our foundation! Luke explains this to us at the very beginning of his gospel.
Vision Series: Discipleship
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Gospel Hospitality
Hospitality is the incarnation of God's love poured out on us. When we are hospitable, we are showing the love of God to the world!
Resurrection Sunday
There is coming a day that our bodies will experience a physical resurrection and we will spend eternity in them worshipping Jesus. This is the hope we have!
Gratefulness & Generosity
We serve a generous God who laid down His life for us. That means we can be a grateful people and respond in generosity!
Learning To Be Content
Contentment isn't something that comes easy, and even Paul himself admits that it is something you have to learn! But thanks be to God that He is where we can find our contentment.
Grounded In Peace
On our last Sunday before moving to our new church home, Sean reminds us of what the peace of God brings us in a world that constantly shifts. We are standing on a firm foundation.
Guarded By The Peace Of God
All anxiety, all worries, all troubles can be taken to the Lord!! He says bring it! And His peace will guard us.
Persevere For The Promise
Our citizenship is in Heaven, and from Heaven, we await our Savior! Persevere until the promise is fulfilled of Christ's return!
Pressing For The Prize
I press on toward the goal to win the prize! What a promise we have been given that our future is Jesus!
Confidence In Christ
Christ is our greatest treasure. There is a confidence that comes with this truth that allows us to count everything else as rubbish in this life. Jesus is better!
Concern For The Church
We should seek the welfare of each other and the city the Lord puts us in, not our own welfare!
The Worshipful Workout
We are told to workout our salvation, and to do all things without grumbling or complaining. But praise the Lord we don't have to do it with our own power!
Selfless Living
Humility is counting others more significant than yourself. It is this kind of selfless living that Jesus displayed for us, going to the lowest place to raise us up with Him.
Courage Side By Side
We are called to not fear, but to stand firm side by side for the for the name of Jesus and live a life worthy of the manner of His gospel!