Our desire is to be a church that delights in the Lord and commits to worshipping him, growing in him, and serving him so that others might know who he is.

“Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint.”
Proverbs 29:18

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1 Chronicles 16:23-25

We worship because God is deserving of it. Who God is and what He has done for us through the cross warrants a full life response - head, hands, and heart - of thanksgiving and adoration.


1) Habitually spend time with God through His Word and through prayer.

The heart behind this action is the understanding that we can’t worship what we don’t know, and God has primarily chosen to reveal himself through His written Word.

Here is a helpful tool for consistently spending time in the Word.  

Also, it is through prayer that we can experience intimacy with the Lord as we adore Him, confess our sin, thank him and take our needs to Him.

Join us each month for a corporate time of prayer!

2) Regularly attend our worship gatherings

Ephesians 5:18-21 tells us that when we gather to worship, we are doing so to give thanks to God for what He has done, to be filled with His Spirit through song and by His Word, and to minister to one another by encouraging each other in love and in truth.

Here is a helpful blog on why this is important from our friends at Austin Stone Community Church.

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1 Timothy 4:13

We are devoted to growing as believers in order to better make disciples, as Jesus has commanded us to do. We grow “for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,” (Ephesians 4:13).


1) Join a community group

As we see throughout Acts, especially in chapter 2:42-28 and chapter 5:42, the New Testament model for believers is to meet in both large and small gatherings. Like the early believers, we must be committed to living out the “one another” verses we find throughout the New Testament.

2) Participate in semester based equipping classes

Periodically throughout the year, we offer classes on Sunday mornings to the church.  These classes are for the purpose of diving into more theologically deep topics and conversations in order to equip you as a follower of Christ.

More information about these classes will become available as they near.

3) Discipleship

We are still in the infancy stages of this, but we are beginning to form what intentional discipleship looks like at Providence North. These smaller groups, more like groups of three, will meet regularly throughout the year and go through a book that will lead to a deeper intimacy with the Lord, spiritual formation, and will prepare you for the purpose of making disciples.  

Interested in being discipled or discipling others? Click the button below!

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Joshua 24:15

We serve God out of obedience and love for Him, and we do it in such a way that makes Him look supremely valuable in our lives, above all other things. It is a joy and delight that He would use us in His Kingdom!


1) Providence Kids

When you serve in Providence Kids, you get to declare and preach the gospel to the next generation of believers in the church.  You are preparing your kids and other kids for the mission that God has given us.

2) Hospitality Team 

Whether it be on the set-up/tear-down team or becoming a greeter, we need all the help we can get to make a Sunday happen. Consider volunteering one Sunday a month!

3) Worship Team  

Our worship and production team is completely volunteer based. If you feel called to use a musical gifting, or you have an eye for lights, or you just want to run lyrics, let us know!

4) Community Groups 

If God has been placing it on your heart to serve by potentially leading or hosting a community group, then we would love to help you fulfill that calling at Providence.

5) Outside of the church

Our community groups will each be choosing a non-profit, mission, or opportunity to serve alongside outside of our church this year.