Trusting His Sovereignty
God is sovereign over all things, in control of every situation and circumstance. It is all from Him and for Him! That is a God worthy to be trusted.
Who Is Your God?
No god gets to stand before the Most High. But we bow to other gods all the time. God will get His glory though, and he proved it to the Egyptians. Search our hearts Lord!
Set Apart To Love
We have been set apart, and the world will know who our God is that has set us apart by how we love.
People Of Praise
Even Pharoah's magicians recognized the Lord was a God worthy of praise. How much more should we as His people?
Turn To God From Idols
The Egyptians worshipped idols, so God gave them over to their idols in the plagues. Do we do the same?
The Danger Of Distraction
Don't let the world and all its lesser power distract you from the true Power of the Almighty God.
Relentless Love
The love of God is relentless! He comes after you at your worst and keeps coming after you because you are His.
Faith To Obey
God wants our obedience, not our perfection. If He calls you to something, you may not be able to do it perfectly, but He will be with you! Obey in faith!
Coming To His Presence
Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”
God Has A Plan
When hope seems lost, the Lord is still moving and has a plan! Moses being born is the beginning of His deliverance.
Psalm 34 - People Of Praise
Whatever our circumstance, we can remember who God is and what God has done and give Him praise!
Psalm 91 - Peace From The Most High
Hidden in God's shelter, we know what true peace is. Whatever comes our way, we rest in the shadow of the Almighty!
Psalm 42 - Hope Over Hopelessness
In the middle of struggles, trials, even depression, we have a living hope. Hope in God, who has never failed and never will.
Psalm 131 - Content In Christ
I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul. Hope in the Lord!