3 Phases To Regathering
For the first two Sundays, June 7 and 14, we will allow 75 people to attend our 10:00 am service. A link for registration will be sent via email on the Tuesday before at 3:00 pm. Once the 75 spots are filled, registration will be closed. We will follow the same protocol for the following Sunday. These will be family services with no children’s ministry, and we will continue to offer our online service for those not able to attend or those not able to reserve a seat. All rooms and surfaces that are used by Providence North will be disinfected before the service.
Provided Governor Abbott lifts more restrictions before June 21, for the services of June 21 and June 28, we will allow 100 people to attend the service, following the same registration protocol in Phase 1. These will still be family services with no children’s ministry, and we will continue to offer our online service for those not able to attend or those not able to reserve a seat.
Provided additional restrictions are lifted, on or before July 5, we will resume our “normal service standards,” with full capacity seating available and NO registration requirements. Providence Kids will be reinstated with a “Check-In Prior to Service” option. The sizes of classrooms may potentially be limited in numbers. We will continue to offer our online service for those not able to attend or those not able to reserve a seat.
All areas of the building used by Providence North will be disinfected on Saturday, June 6, in preparation for our first Sunday gathering on June 7th. Hand sanitizing stations will be full and available at the entrance of every room. Greeters will be stationed at the front door so no door handles will have to be touched. There will be no physical contact (without first asking), and sufficient spacing for seating will be available in the worship center. Masks will be worn at your discretion but is not a requirement for admission.
Church Family,
The past two months have possibly been one of the most challenging times in our nation’s history, unquestionably in our lifetime. Together, we are all hurting for those who have lost loved ones, lost their jobs, lost their retirement in the market, lost opportunity to celebrate accomplishments and graduations, and lost a sense of community. Regardless of your views about the pandemic, we have all been affected in some way. The coronavirus has forced us all to evaluate our values and priorities, with the positive result being more connection with families, more empathy with neighbors and co-workers, and more sympathy to the fact that we are not alone.
With that in mind, I want to thank you for your flexibility over the last two months as we have learned what it looks like for us to worship together online. Our prayer during this time is that you have felt connected, loved, and poured into as we’ve attempted this new way of life.
However, if you are anything like me, there is a sense of weariness and longing to be with one another, worshipping, celebrating, and praising God. Yet also bearing the responsibility of protecting and caring for those that are most vulnerable to the virus.
As a church, we are establishing a plan for what it looks like to re-gather, in line with the strategy laid out by Governor Abbott. Our desire has never been to be on the cutting edge and pushing the boundaries of re-gathering, but a clear plan is needed. Please know that this plan is imperfect and fluid, as is our situation, which means it will be adapted to changes made by governmental/health authorities. While our ultimate authority is God, we follow Paul’s admonition in Romans 13 to submit to our governmental authority.
Again, there are many unknowns at this point, so please hold this plan loosely. And remember that this is an imperfect solution because it does not fully accommodate the masses at any point before July 5. However, please keep in mind that we always want to place MISSION above personal preference, and be willing to be flexible, patient, and adaptable, because we want to mirror the way of Jesus by the way we defer to each other with LOVE and GRACE.