Let Your Light Shine

Our culture has a way of shaping rules, God’s rules specifically, to be “restrictive,” and “rigid.” But just like we find comfort and safety in stop signs and traffic lights - we can know and trust that God’s rules are meant to keep us safe, and have reason that we can rest in. 

The Lord believes his rules are a benefit to his people and a blessing to the nations. God graciously reveals his character to his people through his rules. And he also provides a roadmap for his people to fulfill their purpose. 

By living in obedience to the rules God provides to his people, they would be able to maintain a right relationship with their Redeemer. And as obedient children, the people of God would also be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, meant to represent God to the nations.

God’s requirement of His people to follow His rules, was not meant to birth a dutiful obligation, but its intention was to continue to foster relationship. The Lord considered the people of Israel to be his children. And as his children, they were to have a conduct that reflected the character of their Father to contrast the world in order to introduce the surrounding nations to the abundant life they had found in following the one true God. 

Obedience to God’s rules would allow the children of Israel to experience the fullness of the blessing that he prepared for them. And the Lord knew that disobedience to his rules would cause his people to reflect the character of the surrounding nations, which would result in them experiencing the same negative consequences. Because He is righteous and just, they would be vomited out of the very land He had prepared for them and promised to them. 

While we as the people of God today are under a new covenant, the Lord still has the same purpose for his people. His sons and daughters are to be his representatives to the nations. To fulfill this purpose we must live in obedience to the word of God and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

We don’t have 613 laws, like the people of God in the Old Testament to provide a roadmap for a life that would be pleasing to the Lord. However, we have something better than the law; we have the example of Christ.

The Scriptures are replete with passages that reveal the character of Christ and the expectations that God has of his people. Ephesians 5:1-2,  for example,  lets us know that we are to copy the character of Christ  and live as a people who exemplify His love. 

Questions to Consider: 

How can I be more intentional to leverage the opportunities God entrusts to me (at work, home, grocery store, etc.) to let my light shine so that others will be drawn to his love?

List out the conduct that is worthy of the calling to which you have been called to in Ephesians 4-5. Circle the ones that you are struggling with, and be intentional to practice those attributes.


Remembrance and Rest

