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COVID-19 update

In light of very recent events concerning the Coronavirus, Providence North Community Church has decided to cancel our corporate worship services for the foreseeable future.

This decision was not made lightly. The updates regarding the COVID-19 virus and its effects on the public sector have been developing rapidly. We've been monitoring the situation closely, speaking with Houston emergency management representatives, and Montgomery county emergency management.  

CISD and others have canceled classes for an extended time. Boni's studio, where we gather each Sunday, has also decided to close the studio and keep it closed from being used by large groups such as Providence North. We effectively do not have space to gather on the weekend publicly. Montgomery County has officially made the following recommendations:

  • All gatherings of 10 people or more be postponed or canceled, as well as 

  • All gatherings which have people in close contact with people be postponed or canceled.

Jesus tells us to love God and love your neighbor. We see the decision not to gather as the best way to love our neighbors by not taking part in the potential spread of the virus outbreak.  

We want to assure you that this is not a decision motivated by panic or fear. The most often repeated command in Scripture is "Fear not!" However, as Christians, we are called to "seek the welfare of the city" (Jeremiah 29:7), to protect those who are most vulnerable (Psalm 82:3-4), and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:39).

While public gatherings might not be an immediate threat to the health of some of us, they could contribute to community spread and put those more susceptible to the illness in harm's way. So we believe that given the circumstances, this is the most loving and responsible way to move forward.

Please be on the lookout for further communication on our church-wide plan moving forward.  We commit to you as church leaders to continue to renew our hearts and minds in the goodness, love, and mercy of the gospel. You may also consider "liking" us on Facebook or following us on Instagram as further communication channels.

Remember Jesus is still on the throne, and God is in control. Fear not, church, for He is with us.


Sean Eppers